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Casting Technology New Zealand exists to promote the metal casting industry

As a group, Casting Technology New Zealand (CTNZ) aims at providing a place for all actors in the industry to connect and share their knowledge. We are also partners of the Sustainable Steel Council and NZ Metals. We are very active and provide support to our members through the activities listed below:

Our partners
Metals NZ logo
sustainable steel council logo

Championing the development of world class foundries using technology, marketing and recognised best practice in the industry.

Marketing the productive capabilities of our members.

​Organising technical, business and networking activities at branch level and National and Australasian Foundry Conferences.​

Encouraging active participation in quality training at every level.

Creating publications useful to the industry including a dynamic Website.​

Forming partnerships with Government that strengthen the prosperity of the industry.

Keeping abreast of proposed Legislation that will affect the industry, clarifying Current Issues and Representing the metal casting industry's position to government.

Recognition of the professional foundryman.


Encouraging operational activities that respect the personal wellbeing of members and their staff.

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